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In Colombia, when is ahora (now) or ahorita (in a bit)?

Synonyms, idioms, expressions, and slang give us a peek into a specific regional or continental culture.

They’re created and spoken by the local inhabitants over years of historical events; their significance is fascinating.

I’ve visited Colombia a few times before marrying a Colombian and making it my new home. I’ve learned a few exciting, funny synonyms, idioms, expressions, and slang through my regular interactions with my extended Colombian family and friends. So many good laughs, eyes rolling, and head-shaking reactions.

As a matter of fact, there are so many that I’m actually keeping a notebook worth which I hope to publish one day.

List of Colombian expressions
Colombian synonyms, idioms, expressions and slang.

Lost in translation.

Here are two essential synonyms – Ahora (ah-or-ra) translates to now, and ahorita (ah-or-rita) is in a bit.

When someone says that they are doing something now in English, it signifies that they’re in the process of doing that activity. You can expect a result very soon. And, when someone says that they are doing something in a bit. It suggests that they’ll perform the action soon.

“Ahora me voy.” — I’m going now.

When Colombians say, “Ahora me voy.” The literal translation in English is “I’m going now.” However, it doesn’t have the same significance as in English; they will go or leave anytime. Usually, the time limit is up to a few hours on the same day, but not the next day.

Ahorita me voy.” — I’m going in a bit.

And when they say, “Ahorita me voy.” The literal translation is “I’m going in a bit.” It means that they’ll go or leave soon.

Photo from by Koolshooters

A healthier life.

I believe this stems from the more relaxed Latin American culture versus the always-on-the-go North American and the United Kingdom cultures.

So the next time that you hear these words spoken by Colombians, you’re now better prepared and can set your expectations accordingly. If you want to know if someone is already on their way, listen for these phrases — “Ya voy.” (I’m already going.) or “Estoy en camino.” (I’m on my way.)

I believe the more important lesson is to learn to relax and enjoy life like a Colombian.

By Bryan Bui

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